9 Days. Turkey Road Trip - Explore the Aegean Coastline
Vanaf US$696

9 Days. Turkey Road Trip - Explore the Aegean Coastline

Hotels + Car Rental (Izmir>Bodrum)
Brochure: donderdag 11 augustus 2022 - Vertrek: zaterdag 20 augustus 2022
Ref ID: 3234534
Totale prijs Vanaf US$1,392
Brochure: donderdag 11 augustus 2022 - Vertrek: zaterdag 20 augustus 2022
Bestemmingen: Izmir, Turkije , Sirince, Turkije , Bodrum, Turkije
20 aug
Fiat Panda
Goldcar rental
A/C 2 aantal deuren bij huurauto 4 Personen
Fiat Panda Of gelijkwaardig
voorwaarden met betrekking tot het vullen van de brandstoftank: Volle tank bij het ophalen
Onbeperkt aantal vrije kilometers
Oneway fee - 1,125.00 ₺
Leeftijd bestuurder

Minimaal 21, Maximaal 81

voorwaarden met betrekking tot het vullen van de brandstoftank
Full to Full: Pick up and drop off with a full tank. If the car is not returned with a full tank, suppliers will charge fuel plus refueling charges.
Algemene betalingsvoorwaarden
Prepayment: Full rental price due at time of reservation. At pick-up a valid credit card in main driver's name is required as a guarantee. Prepaid or debit cards, such as Maestro, Visa electron, Visa Premier or Carte Bleue are not accepted.
Upon collection of the car a security deposit will be blocked on the driver’s credit card. This deposit is determined by supplier considering your selected car category. Please be informed that the value of one tank of fuel and possible traffic fines can be additionally blocked on your credit card. It is recommended to present a credit card with chip, pin code and embossed numbers.Estimated deposit amount:: TRY 1200.00
Bescherming tegen diefstal
with excess up to 3,600 TRY
Verzekering cascoschade
with excess up to 3,600 TRY
Huurauto ophalen

Izmir Adnan Menderes Airport - Telefoonnummer: +90 0 536 861 62 12

Dokuz Eylul Mh, Office located inside the terminal building

Openingsuren: 08:00 - 18:00

Airport Location, please follow signs to the car rental stations.

Bodrum Milas Airport - Telefoonnummer +90 0 536 861 62 12

Bodrum Milas Airport, Office located inside the terminal building

Openingsuren: 08:00 - 18:00

Airport Location, please follow signs to the car rental stations.
20 aug
1. Izmir
Over de bestemming: İzmir is een stad in Egeïsch Turkije. De stad heeft ongeveer 2.480.000 inwoners en is hiermee de op twee na grootste stad van Turkije.
23 aug
Autoreis van 70 Kilometers - 59min
23 aug
2. KEÇİ KALESİ - Castle
HERITAGE - Tussenstop
23 aug
Autoreis van 20 Kilometers - 26min
23 aug
3. Sirince
Over de bestemming: Airince is een dorp van 600 inwoners in de provincie Izmir, Turkije, gelegen op ongeveer 8 kilometer ten oosten van de stad Selsuk en ongeveer 8 kilometer van Efeze. Het gebied rond het dorp heeft een geschiedenis die teruggaat tot de Hellenistische periode.
23 aug
Hotel only
2 Nachten
25 aug
Autoreis van 11 Kilometers - 19min
Yedi Uyurlar Mağarası - Cave
25 aug
4. Yedi Uyurlar Mağarası - Cave
AMUSEMENT - Tussenstop
25 aug
Autoreis van 9 Kilometers - 9min
Yedi Uyurlar Mağarası - Cave
Çamlık Buharlı Lokomotifler Açık Hava Müzesi - Museum
25 aug
5. Çamlık Buharlı Lokomotifler Açık Hava Müzesi - Museum
AMUSEMENT - Tussenstop
25 aug
Autoreis van 74 Kilometers - 1uur 6min
Çamlık Buharlı Lokomotifler Açık Hava Müzesi - Museum
Milet Muzesi - Museum
25 aug
6. Milet Muzesi - Museum
AMUSEMENT - Tussenstop
25 aug
Car journey 26 Kilometers - 25m
Milet Muzesi - Museum
Bafa Gölü - Lake
25 aug
7. Bafa Gölü - Lake
25 aug
Car journey 91 Kilometers - 1h 24m
Bafa Gölü - Lake
25 aug
8. Bodrum
About the city: Bodrum is a world renowned holiday and bustling resort that never sleeps. Located on the southern Aegean coast of Turkey, Bodrum is popular with tourists form all over the world because of its warm climate, deep-blue sea, natural beauty, magnificent coves and history, as well as for its exciting night life. Bodrum is a fascinating place as it has a pleasing contrast between the Ancient city and the modern resort. The castle of St Peter, dating back to medieval times, is a beautiful fortress that towers over the harbour area. There is also an underwater museum in the castle of St Peter, the Museum of Underwater Archaeology. Other major attractions in the city are the Bodrum Amphitheatre, the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, Myndos Gate and Karakaya Village. There are lots to see and do in Bodrum, there is a huge variety of shops and a large bazars with locals selling everything and anything you can think of. The evenings in Bodrum are for sitting idly in one of the many restaurants, dining on fresh seafood and other Aegean specialties.

Please Note: if no booking has been made yet, then prices and availabilities might vary at the time of the booking.

Total price From US$1,392
This package includes
Destinations 8
Accommodations 3
Cars 1