The Bahamas, Bahamas

The Bahamas, Bahamas

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The Bahamas Bahamas

The Bahama Islands are an archipelago made up of roughly 2,000 islands when you take into account the cays, which are wee islands that form on coral reefs. Nassau, located on New Providence, is the capital of the Bahamas and boasts a blend of vibrant Neo-colonial 19th century buildings and modern hotel resorts. Nassau is positioned on the northern tip of New Providence, overlooking the bay between the main island and Paradise Island. The vast majority of the country's population resides in Nassau on New Providence Island and in the Freeport area on Grand Bahama. Nassau showcases a blend of vibrant Neo-colonial 19th century buildings and modern hotel resorts. The colonial beauty of the Historical Town of Nassau is well worth a visit. The pink Parliament Building, which has a statue of a seated Queen Victoria out front, is the most stunning sight in Nassau. The Pirate Museum is another major attraction in Nassau. The interactive museum tells the story of the history of pirates. The City of Nassau is landscaped in a beautiful tropical setting. The local greenery is purely captivating and the variety of tropical plants they've preserved here certainly add to the charm of the country. The Bahama Islands draw in tourists with their favourable climate and relaxed lifestyle, their stunning and vibrant nature, their crystal blue waters and their friendly locals.
Recommended airport
Lynden Pindling Intl (NAS)
Points of interest
  • Cayo Green Turtle
  • West Side National Park
  • Stocking Island
Nearby destinations
  • Nassau a 6.04 km
  • Paradise Island a 8.22 km